The New Evangelization Center

In January of 2016, Fr. Bramlage met with Bishop Michael Sheridan of the Diocese of Colorado Springs to share with him his vision of the New Evangelization. Bishop Sheridan was greatly interested and invited Fr. Bramlage to incardinate into his diocese. After receiving permission from his home Diocese of Indianapolis, Fr. Bramlage moved to St. Mark Parish in Highlands Ranch, CO. where he temporarily resides. In May of 2016, Bishop Sheridan officially appointed Fr. Bramlage to direct the Ministry of Prayer and the New Evangelization. In addition, he gave permission for Fr. Bramlage to raise funds for the purpose of buying land and building a Center For the New Evangelization.
This proposed Center would be located in Douglas or Elbert County, CO. and it would be a special place for people to come and receive one-on-one prayer for Healing, Deliverance and Holy Spirit Empowerment. It would offer monthly prayer services as well as serve as a training facility for both priests and laity to learn the tools for effective evangelization in their parishes. This Center would host a priest residence, a guesthouse, a large auditorium, classrooms, chapel and prayer rooms. The overall cost for this proposed project is around 3 million dollars. An architect firm has begun the initial drawings and we are in the process of finding the right location. With prayers of faith and gifts of dedicated helpers, we hope to see this project completed within three years. If you would like to help us in realizing this dream for God’s people, please contact Fr. Bramlage at (513)374-6481.

“God is opening before the Church the horizons of a humanity more fully prepared for the sowing of the Gospel. I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church’s energies to a New Evangelization…No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples.”
-St. John Paul II